Friday, July 27, 2012

The Tehillim Reading Part 14 - Recording the Reading

Right before minyan, Abba ran home to get the tripod and the TasCam. The tascam is a device of very advanced technology, that records audio at very high quality. We charged the tascam the day before, to be sure that the machine would be properly charged for the reading. We erased all the data on the memory card, so we could record the whole reading without having any problems in the middle. I was very nervous in case Abba would've published the audio online, but I calmed down when he assured me that he wasn't going to upload it to the internet. Now it turns out that I uploaded a perek myself, so everybody who had to miss it, could still hear me. Click here to hear me lein:

To Be Continued...


Unknown said...

Grandma and
Grandpa rushing to add their comments before someone else wins the race:
Dear Shaltiel,

Another exciting chapter in the life of the now famous Bar Mizvahed boy Shaltiel! Were we up to commenting so close to Shabbos? Yes, indeed. This installment retained the same dynamic Shaltiel style. Have a great Shabbos and an easy Fast.

Mountains of love,
Grandma and Grandpa

Shaltiel Shmidman said...

Thank you, and I hope that the end of the fast will go as easilly as the beginning.