Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My expectation for Chanukah

Every Thursday at the end of the day in school my teacher tells my class to make an essay. After he tells everybody to create the story, then the next week and the week after that he checks the story's and tells the kid who gave in the story what he should do. Either "revisions" or "It is done". this is part of my story that he told the whole class to do witch needs to be at least 200 words (in Hebrew, but I just translated It to English):

What will I do on Chanukah

Hello! I want to tell you what my expectations are for Chanukah. I am so excited because my father's parents are coming and are giving me a water proof watch.
Do you still want to know what my expectations for Chanukah are?
If yes, keep on reading.
1) On Chanukah I always like to eat doughnuts and latkes. But for the bad luck my parents only let my have one doughnut. They also barely let my have latkes unless I have protein first. Therefore I don’t expect from my parents to give me doughnuts and barely latkes.
2) I always like to go to "mitnapchim" (moon bounce) and buy popcorn. But my parents will never give me money to buy something not healthy. Therefore I do not expect my parents to give me money to buy something not healthy.



Unknown said...

That was a neat subject for a story. We think it was probably easy homework for all the children in your class because at this time of the year it is very exciting to think and usually to feel good about expectations for Chanukah.

We knew Bubbe and Zayde were going to visit you, but you let us in on the surprise gift you expect them to bring you. And here is a surprise for you -- they are going to bring you a surprise Chanukah gift from us!
I bet you didn't include this subject in your story to your teacher.

We see that your parents make sure that your stomach isn't full of junk food and that you are on a healthy diet so you can grow up strong and have a long and happy life. Some day you will be very happy that your parents took such good care of you.

We loved your story.

Grandma and Grandpa

Anonymous said...

My parents are also like that we can't have anything good without having protien first. It's such a pain.
Love your cousin Devorah
P.S. Good luck in trying to get a lot of latkes and get to go to the moon bounce.

michael shmidman said...

Mazal tov on completing half of Tehillim!
And we can't wait to bring you your Chanukah presents!

bubbe1 said...

Dear Shaltiel,
What a great story you wrote! That was clever of you to write two sides to your expectations: what you expect and what you don't expect.
How do you say "expectations" in Hebrew?

Doda Adina said...

What is your favorite type of donut? We like the chocolate filled with custard best. Do you have any foods that are healthy or have protein that you REALLY LIKE to eat? We are always looking for more ideas of things like that.

Doda Adina

Anonymous said...

I also love doughnuts and latkes.