Monday, October 29, 2007

How I made a resolution to assist my friends shop

It occur around 2 weeks in the presence of October, my friend told me that his brother is going to to strike him because he got hardly any money. Later when school ended me and my good friend marched turds my house. I commenced going up the stairs and I begged my mother to give unuf money so my friend's brother won't struck him. She agreed, but only if I get the money when I get back. I agreed. I went down and gave him the money and stamped back upstairs.


Why was my friends brother going to strike him?

because they bot a lot of candy and were selling the candy for less money. his brother was going to murder (strike) him because he only sold a little bit of candy (and got a little bit of mone).



Unknown said...

Boy am I confused! Why was your friend's brother going to hurt him? Did he owe him money? That's certainly not a good reason. It was good of you to help your friend though. Savta

bubbe1 said...

Wow! Powerful words, Shaltiel, like: resolution, assist, commence, towards and stamped!
Why did your friend's brother need money from your friend?

Unknown said...

Well now we are the third who was puzzled.

You used the word "he hardly had any money". Did the word "he" refer to your friend, or the brother of your friend. Of course, in neither case, was this a proper reason for striking or hitting.

Also your title indicates that that somehow your friend's "shop" was somehow involved. Is there a business that was losing money and somehow your friend wasn't doing a good job? Again no reason for fighting and hurting another person.

Thirdly, your mother agreed to give money, but "only if I get the money back". Did you ever get the money back??

All in all though, just as in many of your other blogs, you have shown rachmones (Hebrew for compassion)-- a particularly good trait for anyone and certainly for someone your age!

Grandma and Grandpa

Shaltiel Shmidman said...

for ann and linda:

the answers are in the new post


Shaltiel Shmidman said...

for roslyn:

the answers are also in the post.


Anonymous said...

You're sure a nice friend. Do you know if your friend' brother was really going to strike him or just trying to threaten him? Some kids in my class say there mother's going to kill them (chas vishalom), but they really don't mean it .
Love Devorah