Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Going Ice Skating

On Wednesday April 13th, Abba agreed to take Yaakov Avdiel and I Ice skating in honor of Yaakov Avdiel's Birthday which was on March 11th. The Ice skating field was placed within the borders of Kikar Safra. We parked a 10 minutes walk away from Kikar Safra. When we to the ticket stand there was a line of 50 people waiting to buy a ticket. Since we ordered in advance so we were allowed to cut the whole line, and get the exact time we wanted, since the place was so packed the anyone who bought a ticket at 11:30 would only get the 14:00 ticket. So we got the skates and the second I put a foot on the ice so I immediately Slipped and fell forwards on my hands.  After that I never left the bar on the side which I could hold onto to break my fall. Abba  went ahead with Yaakov Avdiel teaching him how to skate, and while he did that I watched other people and kind of understood how to skate. When Abba came back for me it only took a little bit and I didn't need him anymore. After just 1/2 hour I was already skating around the field without holding on to the bar even once. Obviously while I was training with Abba I fell backwards and forwards many times. Later Abba took Yaakov Avdiel and I to the mall where we eat lunch and played in the arcade.
To see me Ice skate just click on the following link:



bubbe1 said...

Dear Shaltiel,
What a fast learner you are. Your video is cool. It looks like ice skating is easy for you now.

Shaltiel Shmidman said...

That video was after I got a few hours of training.
Love, Shaltiel

Roslyn Stern said...

Dear Shaltiel,

Cheers for your latest blog, which was long awaited.

The only sure aspect of ice skating is falling -- certainly the first time. The trick is to have perseverance and not give up, and you have shown that you have plenty of that quality. And you go a step further by taking a video to demonstrate your progress.

We also enjoyed your thorough reporting by indicating the place, the occasion, and the stats involved which added to our interest.
Grandma and Grandpa

Shaltiel Shmidman said...

Dear Grandma & Grandpa,
I didn't really have lots of that quality. As I got on the rank, I immediately fell and almost gave up.
I got the courage to keep on when I saw some others, and was very jealous of them. With that thought I was ice skating for a whole half an hour.