Monday, August 3, 2009

The Day of Adventures

Yesterday my Friend called Me and asked if I want to go with him to the playground in 'Rosh Tzurim'. I asked my mom and she answered 'Of Course'. I thought it would make a good movie so I took my Video Camera and my father's old (backup) hat. I taped some good parts and we played 15 more minutes of sports and then went back to their house in Efrat. When my mother came to pick me up she also took me and the Little Boys to the park in the Gefen. I had my video camera with me so I also got some good clips of them playing. After I got home I transfered all the videos from the camera to the computer and worked Two Hours making a movie out of the videos. Here is the link to the movie i made:

A Day Of Adventures


Unknown said...


Another great blog! And it was crammed full of adventures -- both in action play running the bases, videoing your younger brothers (and I am sure other fun games that weren't recorded on video)and then the serious business of making a recording that we can all see today and hopefully for many years to come.

We are now looking forward to your blog after Temima and Chani visit. Who will be first on blogging the event -- you, YA, or your American cousins?

michael shmidman said...

What professional videos! Please keep sending us more exciting movies of your activities!