After i Finished making 5 "Console" programs then i started learning "Windows" Programs (Forms that i deside what you do in it) for example: "Math Quiz", "Guessing Game", "Dice War" And "Tic-Tac-Toe". In The Image of the "Tic-Tac-Toe" Game The Computer Played Against me and I Won The Computer in 3 Turns for me and 2 For the Computer. Here is a image of a "Math Quiz" And "Tic-Tac-Toe" Game In a Form:
Math Quiz:
Hooray! Hooray! How exciting to find that you added something to your blog!! I had been accessing the site without seeing any additions and I assumed you had given up with your desire to communicate with those in the blogosphere.
I have to go to the kitchen now to make some challahs, but I'll be back after Shabbos. In the meantime, it is snowing heavily outside and I am happy that I bought everything so I don't have to go into the deep snow to get the car.
Have a gut Shabbos.
Bushels of love from
Grandpa and Grandma
ok, I am back now. Although I read your blog entry concerning the Visual Studio 2008 Programing, there are a few questions I have.
I tried to play the games that you designed, but nothing works for me even though I have clicked in a number of spots.
Were these games meant to be played by an audience?Please explain in easy terms what I should do.
Also, what experiences have you had in school that you would like to share with Grandpa and me and the rest of the people that look forward to your entries.
We read that you had snow in Israel. Did you play in the snow?Did you make a snowman?I will send you a few pictures of your cousins showing off snowmen.
Grandpa and Grandma
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