Yesterday My cousins visited me. At around 10:45 Temimi and Chani arrived at our house and Temimi and I played chess (I Won). 20 minutes later we were learning the 'High School Musical - Were All In This Together' Dance. After that Temimi, Chani and I went shopping at the gorocery by the shul and we bought some wings to grill. each one of us took one package of wings and when we got home I defrosted them in the oven. I showed Temimi and Chani the recipe for the marinade, and they each took a boal and made enough to mix 3/4 of a Kilo of wings. I turned on the grill and the girls started grilling the wings (On their Own). To watch them doing it click 'Temimi and Chani Visit' button and watch the movie.
Temimi and Chani VisitEND